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Understanding the Many Causes of Abnormal Bleeding

Your period is unique to you. In fact, there’s a lot of variety with normal menstruation. Some women even accept abnormal bleeding since it’s what they’re used to experiencing. But abnormal bleeding always has an underlying cause. 

Our highly skilled OB/GYN, Daniel Richards, DO, and the providers at Darin Swainston MD. FACOG, in Las Vegas, Nevada, offer expert diagnosis and effective help for abnormal bleeding. 

Here’s what you need to know about the many causes of abnormal bleeding and the treatment options that address it. 

How can I tell if it’s abnormal bleeding?

Understanding if you have abnormal bleeding can be difficult. But there are some key signs that you have abnormal bleeding:

You also should make an appointment with Dr. Richards for severe menstrual cramps that prevent you from carrying out your normal activities or if you have bleeding or spotting between your periods.

Why do I have abnormal bleeding?

Many causes of abnormal bleeding exist, and your abnormal bleeding may stem from one condition or a combination of conditions. Abnormal uterine bleeding may stem from these common causes:

Because an underlying condition causes abnormal uterine bleeding, not getting treatment may exacerbate the issue, causing serious, even life-threatening, complications. 

What are my treatment options?

Advances in medicine and medical technology mean you don’t have to live with abnormal bleeding. Based on the underlying cause and your symptoms, Dr. Richards provides different treatment options

Abnormal bleeding can sometimes be managed through hormonal birth control. Other treatments for abnormal bleeding include: 

In some cases, a hysterectomy may be the right treatment for abnormal uterine bleeding. 

How do I choose the right abnormal bleeding treatment?

It’s important to have a trained medical professional explain your treatment options. Dr. Richards evaluates your symptoms, goes over your medical and family history, and conducts a physical exam to understand and diagnose the issue or issues contributing to your abnormal bleeding. Additionally, Dr. Richards may order lab and imaging work. 

Once Dr. Richards diagnoses the cause of your abnormal bleeding, he discusses with you the treatment options that will eliminate or reduce your symptoms and reduce or prevent your risk of developing further complications, like infertility. 

If abnormal bleeding affects you, don’t wait to schedule an evaluation with Dr. Daniel Richards. Contact the team at the Las Vegas office of Darin Swainston MD, FACOG. You can book an appointment online, over the phone, or schedule a telehealth appointment now!

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