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I Think I Have an STD: What Should I Do?

If you’re worried you might have a sexually transmitted disease (STD), it’s natural to feel scared and uncertain. Our board-certified OB/GYN team at Darin Swainston MD. FACOG is here to help. 

Our team offers comprehensive gynecological services to women in the Las Vegas, Nevada, area — including confidential STD testing and treatment. We also know that knowledge is power, and understanding the ins and outs of STDs and their treatment will ease your worries. 

If you’re concerned about an STD, take a moment to gather the information you need about the next steps to take and how our team can help. 

Understanding STDs and STD testing

Sexually transmitted diseases are usually passed from one person to another through intimate physical contact. This includes sexual intercourse, both vaginal and anal, as well as certain skin-to-skin contacts. 

Some STDs come with clear symptoms, like itching, unusual discharge, and pain or discomfort. However, many don’t have any noticeable signs until later — especially when contracted by women. 

Because they develop and spread without symptoms, it’s important to have regular check-ups and STD screenings if you’re sexually active. The CDC offers a standardized STD testing schedule for sexually active women, which you can use as a guide:

These recommendations are simply guidelines. Your Darin Swainston MD. FACOG provider gives you personalized suggestions for specific screenings and a testing schedule.    

What to do if you’re worried about an STD

If you’re concerned you might have an STD, the only way to be certain is to have an STD test. You should avoid intimate contact with any partners until after you see your provider to help prevent the spread to others. 

Your Darin Swainston, MD. FACOG provider administers a simple test and gives you the results in a confidential, caring, and timely manner. The good news is that many STDs, especially when caught early, are treatable

Bacterial infections, like chlamydia or gonorrhea, can usually be cleared with antibiotics. For viral STDs, such as herpes or HIV, there’s no cure. However, anti-viral treatments can help manage your symptoms and lower the risk of transmission.

How your OB/GYN provider can help

In addition to diagnosing and recommending different treatments for STDs, your Darin Swainston, MD. FACOG provider offers comprehensive care for your unique needs. Your specialist can guide you through the process of managing your health and talk to you about preventing future infections, including:

We know one of the most daunting parts of finding out you have an STD is talking about it to your partner(s). Your provider offers insights and information so you pass on factual, reliable information when you discuss your diagnosis with your partner(s). 

At Darin Swainston, MD. FACOG, we’re dedicated to helping you protect your reproductive health with understanding and expertise. 

If you’re worried about an STD, know you’re not alone. Contact our Las Vegas office and schedule an appointment online or over the phone with one of our providers today.

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