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How Robotic-Assisted Technology Can Treat Your Prolapse

How Robotic-Assisted Technology Can Treat Your Prolapse

Did you know over 13 million American women have pelvic prolapse? If you’re one, robotic-assisted surgery could improve your symptoms and restore your quality of life. 

At Darin Swainston MD. FACOG in Las Vegas, Nevada, our board-certified OB/GYN providers want to help. We use robotic-assisted surgery to repair many gynecological conditions, like pelvic prolapse.

Here’s a look at how this special type of surgery works to treat prolapse, so you get back to feeling like yourself again. 

Understanding pelvic prolapse

You develop pelvic prolapse when your pelvic organs drop and push on the walls of your vagina. The most common cause of the condition involves damage to a group of muscles called the pelvic floor

Pregnancy and childbirth typically cause this damage. Other issues can also cause the condition. These include:

Pelvic prolapse causes uncomfortable and painful symptoms. These symptoms can affect your quality of life. 

You may notice a feeling of pressure or fullness in your vagina or pelvis. Some women notice a bulge in the vagina where the organs push through. The bulge can sometimes extend out of your vagina.

You might also develop other symptoms, like frequent bladder or urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence, trouble with bowel movements, abnormal spotting or bleeding, pain during sex, and low back pain. 

Treating prolapse with robotic-assisted technology

Surgery is the most effective way to treat pelvic prolapse. In the past, traditional surgery techniques helped about 80% of the time. Thanks to robotic-assisted technology, almost 100% of women treated with this type of surgery experience success. 

At Darin Swainston MD.FACOG, our providers have the extensive training needed to perform robotic-assisted surgery for pelvic prolapse. Your provider reviews your symptoms, medical history, and overall health. 

Based on your type prolapse and symptoms, your provider recommends the best surgical option for you, including but not limited to:

These robotic-assisted surgeries all offer amazing benefits. Some of these include strengthening the structure of your vagina, ensuring its correct placement, and providing additional support to your pelvic organs. 

Robotic-assisted surgeries are also safer for you. They reduce your risk of complications and offer faster recovery compared to traditional surgery.

Ready to learn more about how robotic-assisted technologies can treat your pelvic prolapse? Schedule an appointment online or over the phone at Darin Swainston MD. FACOG in Las Vegas, Nevada. 

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